APF Hosts Booth at Adventist/Muslim Event
By: Allison Handal, APF Board Member. To learn more about NAD Adventist-Muslim Relations and the Adventist Muslim Friendship Association, listen to episode 10 of the Adventist Peace Radio podcast, featuring Gabriela Phillips.
Credit: Allison Handal (2018).
From July 19-22, a wonderful event happened on the campus of Walla Walla University: the Adventist-Muslim Relations (AMR) Networking and Exchange Conference, put on by the North American Division. This event brought together folks who are passionate about building relationships with our Muslim sisters and brothers. It seemed like a great place to have an Adventist Peace Fellowship presence, and so Pedrito Maynard-Reid and I put together a table with APF resources and we both spent time there to chat with people who were interested in learning more about the Fellowship.
Several people signed up to receive more information and to be kept up to date on the work that APF is doing. And it was especially encouraging to get to talk to folks who had never heard of APF but were really excited to know that we exist. One gentleman said that he had always hoped that our rich Adventist history of peace-making wouldn't be completely lost (as he feared it might), and he was happy to know that APF is working to continue to promote these values.
In our divided world today, we know that there is a great need to build bridges to support the work of those who are spreading the gospel of peace. We feel blessed to have been able to do just that at the AMR Conference, and we hope to strengthen our relationship with this wonderful ministry in the future as we seek to promote peace together.