Marking WWI's 100th Anniversary (Updated)
November 11 marks the 100 year anniversary of Armistice Day, the day that officially ended World War I after so many precious lives were lost. To mark the event, the Adventist Review published an article highlighting the stories of Adventists who choose conscientious objection during wartime — Adventists and War – 100 Years On Since Armistice Day (Victor Hulbert, 8 Nov 2018). UPDATE: The original article has even more content and resources than were included in the Adventist Review’s version. See the complete article here—TED News Network.
The Notice of Appeal at a tribunal held for William George Chappell for request to share the Gospel with his enemies rather than do them harm.
Hulbert references a number of important figures and stories, including:
Previous coverage in the Aug 2014 issue of Adventist World
William George Chappell’s declaration against war
Viktor Ståhlberg in Finland
A Matter of Conscience (YouTube)
A Peace Garden honoring 130 British conscientious objectors
Again, you can read Hulbert’s complete article here. As we remember this brutal event in world history, we especially keep in mind those in all countries who chose not to engage in the world’s war machine.